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Library Central

Helps the library to catalogue and maintain all types of books, journals and track books lending and returns.

Looking for an app to manage your library's book collection, members, lending and reporting?

Introducing our Library Central app built on Zoho Creator - the perfect customizable solution for managing your library's book collection, member and subscription details, book lending and returning processes and generating insightful reports and dashboards.

Try our Library Central app today and see how it can simplify your library related tasks and help you run your library more efficiently.

Preview of ServEze

Preview of ServEze

Unleashing Efficiency with Key Highlights

Book Register

  • Easily track and manage your entire book collection with detailed information like title, author, publisher, ISBN, and more.
  • Quick search functionality for finding books through keywords or specific categories.

Members and Subscription

  • Comprehensive member and subscription management, keeping track of membership types, duration, and renewal dates.
  • Set up automatic reminders for renewals and overdue books for seamless library operations.

Book Lending and Return

  • Streamlined borrowing process for members to check out and return books effortlessly.
  • Generate reports on book borrowing history to identify patterns and trends in borrowing behaviour.

Readers Check-In and Out

  • Track visitor data, check-ins, and reading history to understand library usage.
  • Identify peak times and popular resources, providing insights for resource allocation.

Reports & Dashboards

  • Advanced reporting and dashboard capabilities to track key metrics like book circulation and member activity.
  • Customize reports and dashboards easily to fit your library's specific needs.

Integration & Responsive Design

  • Seamlessly integrate with other Zoho applications and third-party tools for enhanced functionality.
  • Access the application on PC, Laptop, Smartphone, or Tablet for flexibility and convenience.


  • Seamlessly integrate with other Zoho applications and third-party tools for enhanced functionality.

Responsive Design

  • Access the application on PC, Laptop, Smartphone, or Tablet for convenience and flexibility.

Resource Documents

Unlock a wealth of knowledge and guidance with our resource documents—your go-to hub for enriching your understanding and enhancing your digital journey.